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Solution 28730: Grading Unprompted Answer Files Sent By A Student Using The TI-Nspire™ Navigator Family 3.X Software

How do I grade unprompted answer files sent by a student using version 3.X of the TI-Nspire Navigator Family Software?

Answer files that are sent by a student to the 3.X version of the TI-Nspire Navigator Family Software are stored in a folder named "Unprompted-date" (for example Unprompted-4-15). These answer files, when saved to the Portfolio, will not automatically be graded. Texas Instruments recommends all TI-Nspire Navigator users collect the student answer files via the TI-Nspire Family Navigator software, because student answer files can automatically be graded using the software.

However, if a user is looking to grade answer files sent by the student (unprompted), follow the steps below:
  • In the TI-Nspire Family Navigator software, from the Class Record section, right-click on the "Unprompted-date" folder and select "Save selected to Portfolio". When prompted, input a name for the Portfolio column.


  • Click on the "Portfolio" tab.

  • Click on the newly created Portfolio column to highlight it.

  • Click on the "File" menu and select "Add Master Document".
  • Select the TI-Nspire Family Document (the .tns file) that was originally sent to the student.
  • When prompted, click the "Add/Replace Master" button.

The unprompted answer files sent by the student will now be graded. For additional help with using the TI-Nspire Navigator system, open the TI-Nspire Family Navigator software, click on the "Help" menu and select "TI-Nspire Family Navigator Teacher Software Help". If any other assistance is needed, please feel free to contact us.