Education Technology
Calculus: Applications of the Derivative Classroom ActivitiesDownload

Walk This Way: Definition of Rate

In this activity, students' will use a motion detector to record distance and velocity versus time information for a walker. They find the area under the velocity versus time graph and compare it to the actual distance traveled by the walker.
  • TI-84 series
velocity test 1

Velocity Test: Interpreting Velocity Graphs

In this activity, students' will use a motion detector to record the distance versus time data for the simple motion of a walker. They will calculate velocity from this graph and compare it with the velocity graph generated by the calculator.
  • TI-84 series
bouncyball 3

Analysis of a Bouncing Ball

In this activity, students use the motion detector to collect data for a bouncing ball. They fit an equation to the data with a quadratic regression and use the first and second derivatives to analyze the graphs of velocity and acceleration as a function of time. They discover the connections between the graphs and the motion of the ball.
  • TI-84 series

Back and Forth---Analysis of Spring Motion

In this activity, students graph the motion of a mass moving back and forth on a spring. They examine the relationships between position, velocity, and acceleration. They connect mathematical relationships to real-world phenomena.
  • TI-84 series
move my way 1

Move My Way--A CBR Analysis of Rates of Change

In this activity, students use the motion detector to collect position data and study the relationship between position and velocity. They explore the relationship between functions and their derivatives. Students learn to connect mathematical relationships to real-world phenomena.
  • TI-84 series